I was rediscovering the joy of sketching and these are the results. There's a whole blog post in the main page of the site caked "I'm an Artist Again" so check it out.

Manic phases are funny things. Some people will impulsively spend money (been there) or consume large amounts of booze or drugs (done that) or engage in dangerous and ill-advised sex acts (yeah,,, that one... not so much...). For me, manic phases involve explosive bursts of creativity or binge activities: I'll write ten songs in two weeks or complete an entire album in a month. I will catalog and organize all of the songs in my library or make lists of every great movie I've ever seen. I'll write a novel. It's awesome. well, I usually engage in these activities to the exclusion of all other responsibilities, so... there's that...
This one time, I found myself pulling up selfies, pictures of friends and family, and reworking them in Photoshop, adding clever backgrounds or making them look like sketches and oil paintings. Loads of fun. Anyway, I'm posting some of them here because I enjoyed doing them, and I love the subject matter.